Saturday, June 28, 2008


I did a big brick today, and freaking destroyed it. 50 miles on the bike in just over 2h 30m - averaged right at 20mph. It felt awesome, my legs felt good, and I got about 20 miles in on the bike course of my Half Ironman. I'm trying to get more familiar with it, where can I coast, where can I push it, where do I need to conserve energy. Where can I eat!?! The weather was perfect, the pre-ride nutrition was less than perfect, but not bad. I got home with 49.4 miles on the trip, so I just rode around my neighborhood to hit 50.

Jumped off the bike and transitioned pretty quickly in my garage. Straight out for a 30 minute run, and it just felt great. I slipped right into a good pace, and held it the whole 30. I got in about 3.7 miles in 28 minutes, so held about a 7m 30s mile pace. I'd be pretty pleased if I could hold that pace for the long course, and I really felt nothing today that makes me think I couldn't. I think I got tired at the end, and the fact that I did the entire 3 hours on a Clif Bar and a Hammer Gel caught up to me. I started thinking about food, which is always a sign I'm approaching Bonkville, and need to go ahead and exit.

Off for an ice bath (brrr) and a well deserved beer. Hugs and hand pounds.


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Rock on!!! You're totally ready.