Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mid-Winter Run

It's been really warm lately, and I've been loving it. Once the holiday's are done, I usually start to get a little bit ready for spring, but football usually holds me over. I can cook and watch football all winter long, especially if it is cold and snowy out. Making a nice stew when it's dumping snow makes me happier than Barry Bonds at Balco. But once the football ends, I'm ready for baseball, triathlons, and BBQ's. So the nice little warm spell we've been having has been fantastic.

I got out for a quick run this evening. The other nice part is that it's been light out until about 5:30pm, which allows me to leave work about 4:30 and still have enough daylight to get a run in. Not riding during the week yet, but I'm thinking by mid-March, I'll have enough daylight to get out and spin the legs. But until then, the rides will be on the weekend, and I'll lift, swim, and run during the week. The run was fast and easy, and really refreshing to get out and move after a stressful day at the office. It was more stress relief than a workout, but I'm always in a much better mood after a quick run.

I got a great swim in last night, and it's amazing to me how I don't really feel fit, like truly in shape, until I start hitting the pool. Maybe it's the having to take off my shirt and wear spandex in front of a gallery of treadmilling observers (our pool is lined with windows, and on the other side are all the treadmills, the only thing they can see while running is the pool; talk about pressure!). But I usually combine swimming with some core work, and I feel like a true athlete when I start back to the pool again. I'm usually most burned out on swimming by the end of the summer, so it usually takes until mid-January again until I'll get back in the pool on a consistent basis.

Well, I'm going to finish my wine, go read a bit of the new Inside Triathlon mag, and hit the hay early. G'night mates.


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