Saturday, February 28, 2009

I heart OJ

Here's Landers on last weekend's ride, having a ball. Might I add, that's some pretty good photog work over the shoulder...

This week has been a really odd one. When I began my pursuit of getting healthy and training, I could never understand how someone would prioritize work over their health, and skip a workout because work was too consuming. Until this week. I've never had a job that I truly cared about until now, and not once, but twice did I skip a workout because I got caught at work too late. It was a really tough decision to make, but maybe it's partly my body telling me that it's okay to take a break. I decided that this weekend was one to catch up and get some solid workouts in.

We spent the night at my mom's house last night and had a really relaxed morning with some coffee, eggs, bacon, and strawberries. I haven't had OJ for a while, and had some as well. I went for a good run when I got home, and I'm amazed at the energy I had. I think the fruit and juice were really welcomed by my body and were a great fuel source. I've been gluten free for about a month, and with that have reduced my carb intake. Moving forward, I'm really going to experiment with fruit and alternative carb sources for fuel, but also trying some protein fueling to see how I do.

Anyway, the run was great, blue bird skies and a good breeze to keep me cool. There is a good hill on the route I ran today, and it's a good barometer of my fitness levels. I didn't dominate the thing today, but I definitely wasn't sucking wind too bad when I got to the top, so I'm pleased with the fitness level on the last of February. I'm surely ahead of where I was at this point last year, and I'm going to keep hammering away to make sure I have a great summer. So today was about a 5 mile run in about 35 minutes, so roughly 7 minute miles with some rolling hills. Me likey.

Off to have a glass of wine, and get some rest. I have a big ride planned tomorrow, I'm pumped to get on the bike again. Last weekend was a good teaser for spring and summer.


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