Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting back to it...

So it's been just over 2 weeks since the Long Course, and I'm finally getting back into the groove of things. I took a good 3 days completely off to let the body heal, and on the 4th day went for a quick swim. That weekend, I got a short tempo run in and that's about it. This past week, I got a few middle distance runs in and rode to work one of the days. This week, tempo run Monday, fast ride yesterday. Massage today. Then we're heading to Steamboat this weekend where I plan on riding at least 2 times (one mtn bike, one roadie) and getting some runs in. I have my last tri of the summer next Saturday (9/6), and it's a super fast one that I'm really looking forward to. I'm really enjoying this new approach - which is, What do I feel like doing today? How hard do I want to work? How long do I want to go? It's much more fun!!! I think this will pretty much be my approach for at least the next year, as I need to get back to really truely enjoying this vs. having it as a stress point. My goal for next summer is 4-5 Sprint to Oly distance races, which will include at least one off-road tri. The mountain bike (the sad one Sarah) will get some really good TLC this winter, and will be ready to roll come spring.

That's all the rambling you need for now. Still waiting for Fish's LIVESTRONG Race Report...



Sarah said...

You're alive!!! I think we've both benefited from some down time.

Aaron said...

Good call on taking it easy. Sometimes we forget that we all started doing this stuff because it was fun.